
A woman connive with impersonating military officers to kidn@p Mr Pedro

A woman connive with impersonating military officers to kidn@p Mr Pedro

A woman connive with impersonating military officers to kidn@p Mr Pedro

(Wo)Man’s inhumanity to Man.

On the 12th of May, 2023. At his father’s house in Diko, Gurara Local Government Area of Niger state, Mr Pedro Chidawa was tortured and abducted by several thugs impersonating military officers.

The victim was lured to the said location through a phone call he received from his little sister crying for help claiming she was being beaten by a 54 year old female guest in the house known as Jemimah Aduwak of Television Village Kaduna.

On getting to the house, the victim recounts that he met said thugs (numbering about 10) who had already ransacked the whole house (as his father had traveled out on official duty).
A woman connive with impersonating military officers to Mr Pedro
Present also was the woman grown up daughter, Precious Kantiyok (25) who together with the thugs, pounced on him, hitting him with the butt of their guns, bottles and other weapons.

After the beating at home, they forcefully put him in a vehicle to transport him to their hide out. They came in a convoy of 2 cars and a a bike

While on their way, at the outskirt of Diko, as they drove past the motor park, the victim recounts that he started shouting “help me, help me”.

The people at the motor park were able to stop the vehicle to enquire, but the men in the military uniform told them he (the victim) had a case to answer at army barracks and they let them go.

The victim was taken to their hideout, a house somewhere in Kubwa, and the torture continued, forcing him to lick her feet and call her mummy while the thugs and her daughter burnt his back with cigarettes. The victim was further stripped, dehumanized and filmed. They threatened to release these if ever he decided to pursue Justice.

After negotiations and pleading by the victims relatives, they dropped him off on the Kubwa highway after stripping him of personal belongings and cash.

Further investigations as to what led to this inhumane treatment revealed that the said Jemimah was an estranged ex of a family member who felt kidna**ing the victim will force the ex lover to reach out to her for reconciliation.

Jemimah, Precious and their gang of thugs have been declared wanted. Call the nearest police station if seen as they are in possession of dangerous we@pons.

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