
Impact of ASUU Strike in the Nigerian University

Impact of ASUU Strike in the Nigerian University Full meaning of ASUU

The Impact of ASUU Strike in the Nigerian University. The Academic Staff Union Of Universities (ASUU) has caused a lot of damages to the Nigerian schools and has left us behind compared to other tertiary schools in the Globe.

So many students have all lost passion and interest in chasing they’re dreams, our children now just sit at home doing nothing some have turned into gangsters, hoodlums, yahoo boys and all because school is not going on and they have this mindset that the government don’t care about them so they go ahead on raiding people.

The most annoying part of it all is that those at the higher level and our government personnel are sending they’re own children abroad to study so its only the poor man that suffers with strike going on for several years, Nowadays when a student goes to the university its unpredictable for him/her to know the year of graduation because you might spend seven to eight years in a course of four years.

Nigerian as a country is not having credible leaders, because its starting from the top root. They have turned everything to politics and don’t care about the future of our students, forgetting the fact that its same people and put them in that seat.

Everyone of them is just being greedy with the National cake not considering the life of our young youths. Infact some student have forgotten most of what they have been taught and immediately they are been called back they rush them up with test and exams so for crying out loud how can they read ahead and pass without having a carry over of the course.

Disadvantage Of  Strike To Students

1. Some students have ventured into drug smuggling or yahoo while others have became hoodlums in the society.

2. Time is fast going our student are getting older and yet to finish school nor accomplish their desired dreams.

3. Some have died in the process of waiting at home during the strike while some have wedded especially the ladies.

4. Some students become numb and discouraged seeing their fellow collegues going abroad to study and they are left behind because they cannot afford to go and study abroad.

Afterwards, destroying the students future the government have forgotten that these same students are the lights of the future, knowing so why punish them due to your selfish interest. Its not like they will get jobs during this period they just become a huge liability to their parents, most of the Northern girls have been married and its hardly for them to further their education again so entirely they are done with school.

Most of our brothers want to venture in various occupations and businesses but ASUU is delaying them, now Nigeria has the high rate of undergraduate at home due to the strike, some have found something doing like little businesses and handy jobs some even gotten NGO jobs, while some are not so fortunate they have been at home doing nothing, ASUU has immensely destroyed our educational sectors Nigerian students are pleading for resumption and a better governance. That’s, the Impact of ASUU Strike in the Nigerian University

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