
Overcoming youth idleness in Nigeria

Overcoming youth idleness in NigeriaOvercoming youth idleness in Nigeria, a country of over 200 million people, has one of the highest youth populations in Africa. Unfortunately, this youthful population is facing an enormous problem of idleness. Nigerian youths are greatly affected by poverty due to their idleness. The effects of youth idleness have exacerbated poverty in Nigeria, hence it is necessary to address this issue to improve the well-being of the Nigerian populace. In this article, we will discuss the causes of youth idleness, how it leads to poverty, and ways of overcoming the problem.

Causes of Youth Idleness in Nigeria: The causative agents of youth idleness in Nigeria are multifarious and range from poor economic management to a substandard educational system. Some of the major causes of youth idleness in Nigeria are:

1. Unemployment: Unemployment stands out as a leading cause of youth idleness in Nigeria. The high level of joblessness in the country is a consequence of poor economic policies and the absence of a thriving private sector. With many potential employees contending for the few available jobs, most youths become idle in the face of chronic joblessness.

2. Substandard Education System: Another factor contributing to the idleness of Nigerian youth is the inadequate educational system. The Nigerian education system does not provide a practical orientation essential for securing a job. The courses taught do not meet the demands of the job market; the system merely produces graduates who lack the requisite skills required for the job market.

3. Lack of Entrepreneurial Skills: A significant percentage of Nigerian youths do not have the financial wherewithal or guidance to start their entrepreneurial ventures. This state of unpreparedness makes it challenging to have a thriving sector and be independent.

4. Corruption: Corruption is also a significant factor contributing to youth idleness in Nigeria. Leaders embezzle funds and leave little to nothing for the development of the country. Hence, there is an adverse effect on the economy, leading to high levels of unemployment and youth idleness.

Effects of Youth Idleness on Poverty in Nigeria

The resultant effects of youth idleness adversely impact Nigeria’s economy and ultimately affect the well-being of the entire country. The effects of idleness are as follows:

1. Crime: The idleness of Nigerian youth has undoubtedly led to a surge in criminal activity. Many youths, in their state of idleness, engage in all sorts of harmful activities, including armed robbery, kidnapping, and fraud, to mention a few.

2. Poverty: Youth idleness leads to poverty; this is because, without job opportunities or entrepreneurial ventures that could earn them income, the affected youths become dependent on others. Thus, without any means of generating income, they are forced to rely on family and friends, well-wishers or government relief programs, which ultimately leads to poverty.

3. Social Vices: Youth idleness can lead to social vices such as drug abuse and gang activities. This is because idle youths tend to join gangs or engage in drug abuse activities merely to pass the time.

4. Human Resource Wastage: The idleness of Nigerian youths has contributed to an enormous waste of human capital. Many potential intellects have been wasted due to the lack of opportunities, and worse still, they have taken to menial jobs that do not match their skill set.

Ways of Overcoming Youth Idleness

Overcoming youth idleness in Nigeria requires a multifaceted approach, re-evaluating current policies and strategies and adopting new ones that deliver the desired result. Some ways of overcoming youth idleness in Nigeria are:

1. Creating Employment Opportunities: One of the proven ways of overcoming youth idleness is by creating job opportunities. The government must work hand in hand with the private sector to create employment opportunities that will absorb the ballooning youth population.

2. Enhancing the Education System: The Education system must produce graduates who have the requisite skill sets that are required in the job market. Hence, there should be changes in the programs that reflect the realities of the job market.

3. Facilitating Entrepreneurial Ventures: Facilitating and encouraging entrepreneurship training would go a long way in reducing the rate of youth idleness. The government must create policies that are designed to help entrepreneurs in scaling their businesses.

4. Corruption Eradication: Corruption must be addressed, as it impedes the growth of the economy, leading to inadequate funds to meet pressing needs, including job creation.

5. Enforcing Strict Rules and Regulations: The government must enforce strict rules and regulations that deter criminal activities. Law enforcement agencies must be adequately equipped and must work efficiently in ensuring that the citizens are safe.

Youth idleness has become a massive problem in Nigeria. It is a result of poor policies and the dearth of job opportunities. The state of idleness has led to poverty, crime, and social vices. Overcoming youth idleness will require collaborative efforts by both the government and private sector. By embracing innovative policies, Nigeria can tackle this issue and ensure that the enormous potential of its youths is utilized.

In addition, Youth idleness is a major issue in Nigeria, and it can lead to a number of problems such as unemployment, crime, and social unrest. Here are some ways to overcome youth idleness in Nigeria:

1. Education: Providing access to education and vocational training can help young people develop skills and knowledge that can be useful in the job market.

2. Entrepreneurship: Encouraging entrepreneurship can help young people create their own businesses and become self-sufficient. This can be done by providing access to funding, training, and mentorship.

3. Job creation: The government and private sector can work together to create job opportunities for young people, such as through public works programs or private sector initiatives.

4. Mentoring and counseling: Providing mentorship and counseling services can help young people overcome the challenges they face, and provide them with guidance and support to succeed in their chosen field.

5. Sports and recreation: Encouraging sports and recreational activities can help young people develop discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills, while also promoting a healthy lifestyle.

6. Community engagement: Engaging young people in community service and volunteerism can provide them with a sense of purpose and help them develop a sense of social responsibility.

Overall, addressing youth idleness requires a multi-faceted approach that involves the government, private sector, and civil society working together to provide young people with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed.

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